“In September, my very typical teenage years were turned on their head with news that my father was diagnosed with cancer in his bile duct.
The two weeks that followed were some of the most difficult and unpredictable I had ever experienced. We learnt that the tumour was aggressive and had spread, meaning that his cancer was inoperable. This news was harrowing and hit our family hard.
We had heard about the care they offer at the Hospice so I decided to reach out for support. I went in apprehensive as I believed that I would be a person that would never need counselling.
From the first consultation session, I felt that the hospice was caring and really wanted the best for me. I was paired with my amazing counsellor Diana and began to have weekly sessions where we would talk about what was happening with my dad and how it was affecting me.
Through my counselling, I had a place that offered me an opportunity to be vulnerable and release the emotions I had bottled up. The work that I have done with Diana has truly transformed my outlook.
I am forever in debt to The Hospice of St Francis for the constant care and kindness they have shown me. They are truly changing people's lives with their support.”
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