Our Quality Account
Every year we produce a Quality Account that identifies our priorities for quality improvement over the year to come, and reviews our quality performance over the previous 12 months.
Care Quality Commission
We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and comply with the regulations set out in the Health and Social Care Act 2008. We carry out regular audits of our care and services to make sure that we are following best practice.
We are incredibly proud that our staff and volunteers have retained our Outstanding Rating for the care our patients and families rely on, and we continue to work closely with the CQC as part of Direct Monitoring Activity.
CQC reports provide an external validation of the quality of our services.
In February 2023 we successfully completed our routine Direct Monitoring Approach [DMA] meeting with The Care Quality Commission [CQC]. The DMA meeting is a structured conversation between CQC and the Hospice with a focus on safety and leadership. CQC monitor our activity through a combination of data analysis, review of regulatory activity, questioning, case study and direct feedback from people who use our services, families, staff and volunteers.
CQC continue to conduct monthly reviews of our regulatory activity. Satisfactory outcomes of this additional monitoring is published on the CQC website providing reassurance to providers and the public that there continues to be no evidence to indicate a need to re-assess the rating of our service at this time.