Light up a Life
Remember and celebrate the lives of your loved ones
Whether this is your first Christmas without a loved one, or you have taken part in Light up a Life for many years, we are here for you.
We hope that you will be able to join us to celebrate the lives of your loved ones and honour their memory.
Thank you to everyone who joined our Light up a Life events at the Hospice and online. You can watch our virtual Light up a Life below.

"A Hospice is a gift that the community gives to itself. Your gift will ensure that more families like John and Adele’s will live their precious lives well with The Hospice of St Francis. "
Ray Ashley-Brown, Head of Spiritual Care
"Any donation you can give will make a real difference to patients and families this Christmas and into the future."
Make a dedication

We're here to help - please do get in touch if you have any questions or would like to speak with one of the team
01442 869555 / lightupalife@stfrancis.org.uk